What will be covered?
It is extremely important to know what exactly commercial property insurance is and what it covers. With TSL, your building and its contents would be covered with a commercial property insurance policy. That not only includes the equipment that you use on a day to day basis but also things like furniture. You also need to know what is not covered or is not included. For example, damages due to a flood are not covered under commercial property insurance policy so purchasing a flood policy would have to be done separately. Make sure that you cover all your bases and fully protect yourself and your business.
Decreasing property rate
If you are wanting to decrease your property rate, an extremely important part is informing your agent. Make sure that you fill them in on any property updates that have been done to the building including roofing, electrical, or HVAC. All of these factors could affect your overall rating.
Review contract and leases
Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, understanding your limits and responsibilities are important to the upkeep of your business. Make sure that you understand your contract or lease so that you can adhere to what is stated. Without this knowledge, you may not know who is in charge of covering what. For example, as a tenant you may be responsible for purchasing a flood policy as stated in your lease.
Don’t get caught off guard. There are different steps to consider when figuring out commercial property insurance and other policies that will make up full coverage for you and your business. Some key things to look in to are:
- Knowing your deductible amounts and when they apply
- Types of evaluations within your property insurance policy
Purchasing a policy is the best way to prepare for any sort of inconvenience. Whatever it is that comes up, TSL has an option for you that will ensure that you are taken care of in a time of need.
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