Your back-to-school checklist probably is a little long, especially for those venturing to college for the first time. School supplies, books, essential dorm items usually always make it on college students’ to-do list. But one thing that is easy to forget about is auto insurance. This isn’t a time to take a back seat on this important policy! More than likely, you or your college student is going to need a way to get around campus. Securing the best policy should be on your back-to-school list. In Lafayette, LA TSL insurance is your trusted insurance provider for all things auto insurance. Read our article below for best tips to make sure you get the biggest bang for your buck in coverage.
Consider Leaving the Car at Home
Is your college a mini-city within walking distance or is it more of a commuter community? If you’re commuting frequently this won’t apply to you, but many students that will attend university have all their needs in easy reach. From attending class to the library to an on-campus job to your dorm, to even small convenience stores or grocery stores–there isn’t a need to leave campus. If you fall into this category, you can opt for a resident student discount. Since you won’t be using your car in the frequency of someone with a regular policy, you can save close to 30% on your premium each month.
Give Your Budget a “Brake” – aka – Student Discounts!
The second best thing about earning great grades is the ease they can give your wallet. Statistically students who earn higher grades also make more careful drivers. That’s why you are rewarded with lower insurance rates when you make honor roll. Make a copy of your report card upon issue and send to your insurance company to rack up on your well-deserved savings.
Register for Safety Classes
Check with your policy provider, but some plans also offer discounts simply by taking and completing safety driving classes. In the event of your first driving ticket, always check to see if you can opt for a safety class in order to waive the ticket from your record, thus saving you money each month on car insurance.
Review Reducing Collision Coverage
Consult your insurance agent, but if you are driving a clunker, or an older car, it may be more beneficial to reduce collision coverage. For example, if your car is only worth $1000-$5000, and you would have that much money available to replace your car, it may make more sense not to have a high collision coverage on your policy. This can help drive your monthly payment down each month, saving money in the long run.
Shopping for a Car
If you are in a position to purchase a car before finally heading to college, it may be worth it to consider the cost savings with purchasing an older vehicle. Older vehicles many times are cheaper to insure, but sometimes a newer car may come with some safety features that could lower your premium. The best insurance agent will be happy to quote you for different scenarios so that you can make sure exactly how much you’ll be paying, without a surprise when you finally receive your first bill.
Back to School with TSL Insurance
As your local auto insurance provider in Lafayette and surrounding areas, we are committed to providing the best policy for your student and your family. We can easily find the best quote for your budget, without having to skimp out on any necessary coverage. Contact our team to check off one more Back-to-School item on your list.
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